Our Journey 

The Shape of Trees
Sheryl WuDunn Sheryl WuDunn

The Shape of Trees

Friends who come to the farm sometimes are puzzled by wooden slats in our apple trees holding the branches out.

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Bloom is bustin’ out all over
Sheryl WuDunn Sheryl WuDunn

Bloom is bustin’ out all over

Bloom is a key moment for grapes, when they self-pollinate, and it means that the harvest will be 110 days away. We had a bit of a scare when it rained all day on the 5th day of bloom.

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Kristof Farms Releases First Ever Cider
Caroline Kristof Caroline Kristof

Kristof Farms Releases First Ever Cider

YAMHILL, OR -- The Kristofs are launching their first ever cider this Sunday, October 10, in Portland, OR. This very small-batch cider, named “Orchard Cider,” features a blend of 8 cider apples grown on their farm in Yamhill.

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Kristof Farms 2020 Harvest Video
Caroline Kristof Caroline Kristof

Kristof Farms 2020 Harvest Video

Presenting our first cider apple harvest at Kristof Farms! Cider apples featured in this video are our Golden Russets, Dabinetts, Wickson Crabs, and Redfields, all from dwarf apple trees. These apples, along with our Vilberie, Kingston Black, Yarlington Mill, Harry Masters Jersey, Michelin, will produce our first ever cider vintage, ready summer 2021!

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Nine Things to Know About The Farm!
Caroline Kristof Caroline Kristof

Nine Things to Know About The Farm!

Welcome! Here is where you’ll find updates from us, fun facts about apples/grapes, relevant (and irrelevant) reflections on life, gossip about our dogs, insights from our mistakes, and incredibly attractive family selfies. We hope that this blog can serve to represent our journey — in a raw, authentic, and entertaining fashion. Thank you for joining our adventure!

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