Important Announcements for World Cider Day!

Tux wandering around our Kingston Black semi-dwarf cider apple trees

Pre-order Discount

As you may know, we’re about to launch our 2022 ciders! To celebrate the new ciders, we’re offering an exclusive discount to our subscribers: free shipping on orders of more than six bottles placed before June 11. They will ship beginning June 11, and orders are again open on our website:

Launch Party

For those of you in the Portland area, we’re also having a cider launch party on Sunday, June 11, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at The Place PDX, a cider bar in Southeast Portland. The address is 1212-D S.E. Powell Blvd, Portland, OR 97202. If you think you can attend, it would help our planning if you could RSVP here!

Cider Tasting Guide

In honor of World Cider Day, we’ve launched an interactive cider-tasting guide. Grab your favorite bottle of cider (you can order our cider here!) and learn more about how professionals approach cider. Our guide will walk you through how to judge the appearance, palate, nose, and flavor of a cider.

Quick View

About our Ciders

Our Orchard Cider is a field blend of nine varieties of traditional cider varieties of apples, all from our own trees. Lots of commercial cider is actually made from sweet apples – the kind you find in the grocery store – but our cider is from heirloom British and French varieties like Kingston Black, Michelin, Dabinett, and Vilberie. These are varieties that you don’t find in a grocery store but have been bred specifically over centuries to make the best ciders. Our Orchard cider thus is a dry cider that is as complex as it is refreshing — this is Nick’s favorite cider and it’s what won us a Best in Class at GLINTCAP (the largest international cider competition) last year.

Our Reserve Cider starts with the Orchard Cider base and is then aged in neutral oak barrels for several months, before being blended with a splash of ice cider from Bauman’s. The tannins are deeper and oakier in this one, but softened by the ice cider — the result is a wonderfully balanced, completely unique, semi-sweet cider. This is Sheryl’s favorite cider and won us a Gold Medal at GLINTCAP and Double Gold at SIP last year.


And finally, our newest creation: Our Noir Cider! We are so proud and excited about this one! Noir is a co-ferment of our Golden Russet cider apples and the skins of our 2022 Pinot Noir grapes, shortly after the grapes were pressed (our 2022 Pinot Noir and Chardonnay wines will be available in early 2024). Imagine your favorite heritage cider, but with a luscious infusion of Pinot Noir that also darkens the cider’s hue. What more can we say? Noir is absolutely spectacular. A special thanks to our cider maker, Christine Walter of Bauman’s Cider; she is one of America’s greatest cider makers and the alchemist who produced this liquid gold. Caroline, Adam and Geoffrey call this their favorite — and we think you might too!

Other people like our ciders, too! We just won another national award, from Cidercraft Magazine, for our Reserve Cider.

$75.00 FOR 3-PACK



Bloom is bustin’ out all over


Party, with cider!