It’s time to prune!

It’s pruning time on Kristof Farms: Our vineyard is getting a haircut, as we describe in our newsletter here. The grape vines grow anew each year, so at this time when they’re dormant, a crew goes through and cuts them back.

The vineyard does look a little bare bones right now, but the pruning is a new beginning…soon the sap will start to flow, buds and leaves will appear and the vines will begin growing madly in every direction.

But you can try our maiden wines! Here’s the first review of our wines by Oregon’s most prominent wine reviewer, Michael Alberty! He says they are well “worth the wait,” with surprising praise that you can see for yourself here!! Our wines are now under lock and key, but we’ll be shipping them next month to our wine club members. For now, the wine club is the only way to get our wines. And try our cider offerings.


Kristof farms X Barry’s Bootcamp: Find Your Strength Happy Hour


Noir Cider Brownies