Cider Mimosa Cocktail

Up level your next brunch with this inspired cider mimosa 🥂

Here’s what you’ll need:
• 1 apple
• Orange Mango juice (or just orange juice will do!)
• Lemon
Kristof Orchard Cider

• Use a melon baller to scoop out balls of apples and dip them in water + lemon to prevent browning
• Freeze them in ice cube trays until ready to serve
• Add 2 oz of orange mango juice (or just orange juice!) to a champagne flute.
• Add 6 oz of Kristof Farms Orchard Ciderm/cider/p/2021-orchard-cider-dmtrf
• Plop in your apple ice cubes and garnish with a lime wedge
• Enjoy!



Find Kristof Farms Cider at Ben’s Bottle Shop!


Cider Cocktail: Vodka Buck