A Trio of Wine

Our 2023 Rosé has just come off the bottling assembly line run by the champs at Elk Cove.  Made from our Pinot Noir grapes, our Rosé is, of course, the Platonic ideal of “zest.” We will be able to ship the Rosé, alongside our delicious Pinot Noir and Chardonnay, in March!

We believe Kristof Wine is perfect for dinner parties, pairing well with not only fine food but also interesting conversation among friends.  In that spirit, all wine club members are invited to join a discussion with the Kristof family, as we hold a virtual wine tasting – Talking Wine -- and take your questions about wine, the vineyard or national or global issues. We think a great wine can nurture an equally great community and conversation, and that’s the aim of the “salon” discussion. To join the wine club or find out more about it, visit our website here.  

Just as Oregon was wrestling with a snowstorm and ice storm in January, the annual conference for some 2,000 cider makers and enthusiasts  – CiderCon – was held in Portland.

Some highlights:  We were honored to be chosen to pour our ciders at a tasting for the media and for the CiderCon community, so we found ourselves comparing notes with aficionados from Sweden, Virginia, Canada and other places.

We heard about a variety of topics:  Terracotta amphora, an ancient vessel for winemaking, for aging cider;  cider hybrids, yeast inoculation, international perries, Nordic approaches to cidermaking and much more.  


Let’s Dance, Sip, & Shop with Pivot PDX!


Join us for Coferment & Pet-Nat Night at Imperial Bottle Shop!